
Getting started for public developers

This guide is best suited for public developers getting started with Amazon SP-API
Man juggling apps

Step 1

Learn about Public Developer

A developer that builds and offers publicly available applications that are used by other companies and sellers. In accordance with the Amazon Services API Developer Agreement, public developers must list their app in the Amazon Selling Partner Appstore

Public developer requirements

1. All public developers are required to share a website URL that is publicly available and provides details about the services their application offers to Amazon Sellers. Websites that are not accessible, are under construction, have a security warning, or are login only are not accepted.

2. All developers who want to build a publicly available application with restricted SP-API roles must go through an architecture review with the SP-API Solutions Architecture team. This review requires a detailed explanation of the application’s data flows and data protection controls for Personally Identifiable Information (PII). This process can involve a demo through screen sharing.

3. Questions related to access a customer's PII (Personally Identifiable Information) must be answered with as much detail as possible to support your developer use case.

Step 2

Read about SP-API roles and SP-API policies

A role is the mechanism used by Selling Partner APIs to determine whether a developer or application has access to an operation or resource. As a developer, you must request and qualify for a particular role, or you will not be able to access the operations and resources grouped under that role.
Illustration of a person reading blogs

Step 3

Registering as a public developer

The “Register as a Public SP-API Developer” provides a registration overview for public SP-API developers.

Step 4

Create a Sandbox Selling Partner API Application

The Selling Partner API provides two sandbox environments that allow you to test your applications without affecting production data or triggering real-world events.

Step 5

Registering your Selling Partner API Application

Read “Register your Application” to learn how to register your application for use.

Step 6

Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications

The authorization model for the Selling Partner API is based on Login with Amazon, Amazon's implementation of OAuth 2.0.

Step 7

Connect to Selling Partner API Application

Before your application can connect to the Selling Partner API, you must register it and it must be authorized by a selling partner.
Illustration of a computer monitor with graph and data on the screen.

Step 8

Test Selling Partner API Endpoints

New to SP-API?

Step 9

Start building today

Integrate with the SP-API to build software solutions that help Amazon Selling Partners grow
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